Burn Camp
WLFD Participation
Burn Camp is a place where young burn survivors can be kids and have fun while creating a sense of community and a network of support that can last a lifetime. Even better, because of the generous support of countless individuals and organizations, they are able to provide Burn Camp at no cost to burn survivors or their families. They do accept taxdeductible gifts. Please contact them to get involved.
Western Lakes is proud to be a part of this wonderful activity for all those involved. WLFD typicaly sends an engine company to the last day of the burn camp, where we meeetup with hundreds of other fire departments with their apparatus to put on a parade for all of the survivors. After the initial parade, survivors get a chance to ride inside of the apparatus that we bring. A chance to spend time with these individuals is one of the reasons we do what we do. Being with these incredible individuals allows us to hold onto the positive in the job we love.
To learn more, please visit the Burn Survivor Support Program Website.